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Hero - Easter-1.png
Hero - Good Friday.png


IG Story - Holy Week.png
Hero - Holy Week.png
Hero - Easter-2.png
Hero - Good Friday-1.png
Hero - Easter.png
Frame 4.png
Hero - Good Friday.png
Hero - Easter-1.png
Mask Group-1.png
Hero - Easter-1.png
Hero - Good Friday.png




I felt that the Didot typeface set the mindset of reflection for Good Friday whereas the bold Avenir typeface captured the excitement of Easter Sunday. Torn between the two, I tried out both typefaces with a few concepts.

Iteration 1

The Good Friday image shows Calvary as a reminder of greatest act of love and sacrifice. The plant concept is a reflection of the hope that peeks through on Easter Sunday. The Avenir typeface gives life to the foliage image that peaks through.

Iteration 2

In this iteration, I attempted to keep the typefaces consistent with Avenir in the italics font. I pivoted on the plant concept and introduced a pastel gradient that captured the joy of the Easter and our reminder of new life.

Iteration 3

I continued the pastel gradient concept but tested the Avenir typeface in regular and bolded fonts. In order to preserve legibility, I could not keep the fonts consistent between the two designs.

Iteration 3

In the final iteration, I reimagined the first iteration. The plant concept captured the symbolism but not the mood. The vibrant plants that stand boldly within the gold graphics reflect the hope that is strong and everlasting. I adjusted the Good Friday graphic's maroon vectors to a similar triangle for consistency.

Anchor 1
Rachel Yap
Hello there, nice to meet you!🙆‍♀️ 
I'm happy to get in touch with you on LinkedIn or by email.

© 2021 Rachel Yap

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